Wednesday 23 July 2014

Testing continues

After the surprise success of the carrot salad (which I can see me eating, with variations, until I'm sick of it), I thought I'd try coleslaw.

Recipes for Thermy Coleslaw abound,  all I really wanted was a rough idea of the proportions, and what speed to use.

In the end I made it up, as  MH doesn't eat this sort of thing and I only wanted a small amount.    I just used some white cabbage, carrot, onion, some of the garlic from earlier, and  some celery.  I chopped it briefly, then scraped down and added the wet ingredients.  I put in some white wine vinegar (too much),  some Hellman's mayonnaise,  some Greek Yoghurt, salt, pepper, lemon juice.   I then mixed it on reverse. Another scrape down, another mix. And there I had it.

It was, of course, small chopped pieces. When I make it by hand, it's more..sliced.  However, it tasted very fresh and pleasant.  I had used too much white wine vinegar, so the mayo was too runny. However, it was very edible.  I'm sure this is something I will keep tweaking.

Vegetable Puree
I then wanted to make pea puree.  I put a small amount of water on to boil, and looked for my frozen petits pois.  I couldn't find them.    By the time I had checked, and checked again, and asked MH, and checked again,  the water was boiling. In the end I steamed some broccoli.

When it was cooked, I threw away the water (which I never do, I usually freeze it for gravies).  I then blitzed the broccoli, ending up with - blitzed broccoli. Not a puree at all.  I then realised that I should probably have blitzed it with some of the water.   I possibly also should have swapped bowls, as my bowl was still hot.  That wouldn't have mattered if I'd left some water in.  Overall, that was a fail. I'm sorry to say I scraped the bowl into the bin.   I like broccoli, but not like this.

Next, I made a smoothie.  I used my typical smoothie ingredients which I used  to make in the Vitamix, and then started using my food processor when I sold the VM.   Some greek yoghurt, some Kefir, a frozen small banana, some frozen fruit, some flaxseed.  Blitz on high.    This was good, but I didn't leave it blitzing for long enough.  It usually takes about 4 minutes in my food processor to get really smooth and creamy.  I blitzed it for maybe 30 seconds, which blended it but left a lot of bittiness.   I'll try it for longer next time. 

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